Check out these great tips to generate additional revenue for your restaurant over the festive season. They’re a sure way to add a touch of Christmas magic to your guests dining experience too!
Seasonal Upsells
Let your guests get creative and customise their Christmas experience when booking online. Make it extra festive with these upsell ideas:
- Greet customers with a glass of champagne to celebrate the holiday. If you’re feeling creative, why not offer a Christmas inspired cocktail? Don’t forget the kids, you can have some fun and include a cute Rudolph inspired mocktail.
- Get into the spirit and include an extra special offering – give your guests the option of a Christmas themed table with decorations, crackers and crowns!
- Everyone loves a take home goody. Create a special upsell option that allows customers to choose a take-home gift for everyone at the table. Be inspired by all things Christmassy – think individual plum pudding, festive chocolates, or a gingerbread cookie for the little ones.
Let your Gift Cards do the Work this Holiday
- Use your marketing data to promote your gift card offering. Everyone has that friend or family member who has absolutely everything! Your restaurant gift card could be the perfect gift idea.
- Make the most of your social media leading up to Christmas. Instagram and Facebook are cost effective options to promote your gift card offering.
- Gift cards are a great revenue booster. Most purchases exceed the amount on the gift card, giving you an extra kick in revenue. Don’t forget, the more gift cards you sell, the more you’re expanding your customer base for the new year.
Merry Christmas and See you in 2023!